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Can employees choose when to retire?

A 93-year-old employee has been made redundant by Havering Council. Although his redundancy seems genuine, it raises the question whether an employee can continue working for as long as they want to. What’s the position?


Deadline for child benefit tax

Changes to the high income child benefit charge mean some couples will pay less tax. Others can also benefit but must take steps to do so. What’s required and when?


No more CIS tax refunds


The latest on home-to-work travel

HMRC has changed its guidance on home-to-work travel costs where an employee’s home is their workplace. How might this affect your right to tax relief?


Fairly dismissed for irretrievable relationship breakdown

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has ruled that an employee was fairly dismissed due to a breakdown of trust and confidence in the working relationship, even though he received no written warning and wasn’t offered a right of appeal. Why was this?


Can dividends ever be paid from loss-making company?

Dividends are generally the most tax-efficient form of income you can take from your company but they can only be paid out of profits. Despite this, might there be a way for your loss-making company to pay you a dividend?


The tax advantages of benefits in kind

Your company is doing especially well and you want to take advantage of its good fortune. The priority income you take should be tax efficient. Why might benefits in kind be your best option?


Can employee take holiday during sick leave?

If an employee is absent from work on long-term sick leave, they continue to accrue at least statutory annual leave. With the 2024 summer holiday season now starting, can they apply to take some of their annual leave during their sickness absence?


Protecting your business from insider fraud

With the former chief executive of the SNP having now been charged in connection with the embezzlement of party funds, it shows the real risk for employers of insider fraud. Is there “red flag” employee behaviour that you should watch out for?


The employment rights of part-time workers

Part-time workers enjoy statutory rights not to be treated less favourably than comparable full-time workers, regardless of whether they (or their comparator) are male or female. What are the essentials of their statutory protection?


How to check a successful candidate’s qualifications

To get ahead in the job market, many candidates resort to lying on their CV, and lying about qualifications is high up on the list. What measures can you take to check qualifications as part of your pre-screening process during recruitment?


How to avoid the temp-to-perm fee

Agency workers can be a useful resource for covering seasonal work variations, annual leave, etc. If you want to offer an agency worker a permanent role, you’ll normally have to pay a temp-to-perm fee to the agency. Can you avoid paying it?