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Health, safety & environment

Get to grips with the intricacies of health and safety without cutting any corners

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The cost of not paying attention to risk assessments

Whilst undertaking risk assessments can be seen as a bit of a chore, doing so is a necessary part of keeping your workplace safe. What can go wrong with inadequate risk assessments?


RIDDOR guidance updated - what’s new?

The HSE has updated its guidance regarding the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013. What do you need to know?


Fire extinguisher guidelines updated

When determining how many fire extinguishers you need, their type, size and location, the most important source of guidance is the British Standards document BS5306-8. What changes were introduced in the latest update?


What’s hiding under your workers’ desks?


Why was worker crushed by overhead crane?

A manufacturing company has been fined after one of its employees was crushed to death at a factory. What were the circumstances of the accident and how could it have been avoided?


Are leaky loos costing you money?

Despite record-high utility bills, almost 90% of SMEs are overlooking obvious cost savings, with the most neglected being water bills. Are you throwing money down the drain with your leaky loos?


Raise sun damage awareness to protect workers

With summer just around the corner, now is a good time to refresh your outdoor workers on the risks of working in direct sunlight. What are they and what can you expect your staff to do to protect themselves?